A Troll On Social Media Are One Thing, Trolls Emailing Is Another

Artist Suzy Kalin, of Troll Fairy Designs, shares a booth at the Bazaar on Apricot & Lime in Sarasota. Kalin transforms vintage toys and troll dolls that she says are popular with collectors.Sar 112621 Collfinaldi 006
Artist Suzy Kalin, of Troll Fairy Designs, shares a booth at the Bazaar on Apricot & Lime in Sarasota. Kalin transforms vintage toys and troll dolls that she says are popular with collectors.Sar 112621 Collfinaldi 006

Apparently there is at least one troll out there who finds it fun to email Carolina Hurricanes content creators on their personal email, and proceed to not only criticize their writing about Tony DeAngelo, but say that I, as a site editor, have sent my staff out to do my bidding.

I have addressed NUMEROUS times that trolls, gatekeepers and over all pot stirring is for ignorant boot heels with too much time and too little else to do. We’re all doing this for fun.

For evidence, I will submit the following articles. I know a word like “evidence” might be hard for some folks so I will also used the word “proof” to encompass everyone.

Canes Fans: Do We Need The Trolls, Gatekeepers, And Haters?

Canes Fundits Lighten Up. Funditry Is Supposed To Be FUN!

Hot Take Alert: All Hot Takes Are Created Equal And Yours Is Too

Social media dust ups are part of the game. We all know that I have caused my share. In person, I have acted kindly to the folks that too the most offense, and moved on as worthy rivals. Online I’ll even occasionally spar with a troll. I don’t start many conversations with those that lack sufficient intelligence, but I will nonetheless talk back to someone if spoken to.

However to email someone on a personal email, away from social media, goes passed creating social media frenzies. What was written, and the tone in which is was written was reprehensible. It only shows the lack of decency on the part of the author.

As for the specifics of the email, I can say that I have in fact made my opinions on the issue decidedly clear. From the start, and rather loudly.

While for this particular troll, proof does not matter, I will again point to the following articles as evidence I have not sent anyone out to do what I have not already done.

Expectations Of TDA Are Higher, As They Should Be

I Love Tony DeAngelo About As Much As Gas Station Sushi. If Not More.

TDA Apologists Might Want To Change Their Tunes

Brendan Lemieux, You Are The Next Contestant On “Don’t Be TDA!”

When the final count is taken, someone decided they had the right to harass someone on a personal email, when they lacked the ability and wherewithal to do it on an appropriate platform. Why that person did so is beyond me, but I have encouraged our content creator to move on. A troll is always going to keep trolling, but perhaps it would behoove them to get some rest, drink a bottle of water, and maybe get out side to move around a little. It will help.