Ohhh Mercy, A Mike Maniscalco Appreciation Post
By Chris Baker
I work goofy hours, in education. Paying tons of money for a sports package, just to watch the Carolina Hurricanes, makes no sense. So I listen to 99.9% of the Carolina Hurricanes on the radio. Having done so, an absolute appreciation for Hurricanes play-by-play announcer Mike Maniscalco has developed. Between his covering the games with Tripp Tracy and his podcast with Shane Willis, I cannot help but have such an appreciation.
First, let me start this appreciation by saying that I have watched the playoff highlights from the national networks. From top to bottom, they have fallen all over themselves hyping the Islanders. It is gross how much they have. I think we all need to take a minute and thank the team for putting together an informative broadcast that does the intended job. Mike Maniscalco and the rest of the Balley broadcasting team have been the opposite, even though they would be well within their bounds. After all, they are the hometown broadcast. But the level of professionalism is apparent. There is coverage of the Hurricanes of course, but not at the detriment of the Islanders
But enough of comparing our hometown crew to the scabs brought in from outside. Let’s celebrate what we get to enjoy all season long.
As I have mentioned before, my favorite call from Maniscalco is “And the Canes penalty killers do the job” because it represents a great PK from the Hurricanes. Still I love “And a happy fan from Cary will be going home with a souvenir.” Something about the ever so subtle jab makes me laugh. Maybe it’s because I can see Cary from my house, but I would never in a million years admit I live there.
The other thing that is really helpful, because I listen and do not have the TV as a distraction, is when the Hurricanes put on a shot on goal, I know because Mike’s voice gets a octave or two higher. The excitement is audible and palpable. It snaps me back into focus with the game like a shot at the game does. You can get lost in catching up with what’s said, but not with Mike Maniscalco covering a game. He’ll catch you up fast.
Because their apartments have many leather bound books and smell of rich mahogany, you overlook the Canes Cast Podcast that Maniscalco does with Hurricanes alumni Shane Willis. Not only have I gotten some great book recommendations, and learned a ton about hockey, I have gotten a healthy dose of humor. It is nice to hear a podcast that is not COMPLETELY inside jokes and hockey coverage that is so insider it’s almost outside.
If you haven’t, give Mike Maniscalco and Tripp Tracey a watch. If you live in a cave like me, listen. I listen on real radio waves, but you can stream the games on a device. It will give you a much better sense of what is going on than you might think.
5 Star Rating BFFs For Life