OHHHHHHH KIDDOS! We are one week closer to the Carolina Hurricanes hockey season! I cannot wait! It is so exciting. The “Most Junior Hurricanes Reporter” and I have been playing a lot of floor hockey and we’ve been getting hockey cards whenever we can. Speaking of the MJHR, when we play, he usually plays goalie. And when he does play goalie, he always ends up with a SHUT OUT.
Do you know what it means for a goalie to have a SHUT OUT?

A SHUT OUT is when a goalie does not let in a single goal. Not one!
SHUT OUTS are really exciting because it means THE GOALIE BLOCKS EVERY SHOT. Which means, THE GOALIE DOES NOT ALLOW A SINGLE GOAL THE ENTIRE GAME. That is really hard to do!
Last season Pyotr “PK” Kochetkov had 4 SHUT OUTS. Antti “Father Finn” Raanta also had 4. Freddie “Great Dane” Andersen had 1. That means the Carolina Hurricanes won 9 games without the other team scoring a single goal.
In one game, I saw the Canes get SHUT OUT by the Nashville Predators. It was a bummer that they lost but MY OH MY it was unreal how good the Predator’s goalie was playing. The Hurricanes shot 67 times, and the goalie stopped them all! Not one time did any of the Hurricanes’ shots make it!
When a goalie doesn’t let in another goal, it means his team really only has to score 1 goal to win. Of course you would want your team to score more, but that is why SHUT OUTS are so helpful.
A SHUT OUT is when a goalie does not allow a single goal in the entire game.
This week, we mentioned all three of the Carolina Hurricanes goalies. Do you know where they are from? I can give you a hint on one……we have read about their home country before.
Check out KIDS CANES CENTRAL for more Carolina Hurricanes articles!