Kids Canes: Penalties And Books To Read In The Box
By Chris Baker
Getting ready for the Canes season, we are going to be reviewing hockey penalties in the next couple of articles, so you will know more about the games when you are watching! All to get you ready for cheering on the Hurricanes next season.
But before we get to the penalties, I want to tell you about a batch of books the “Most Junior Hurricanes Reporter” and I read of the week. We picked them up at the library and had a HOOT reading them.
Henry Holton Takes the Ice by Sandra Bradley (Author), Sara Palacios (Illustrator)
Henry comes from a family of hockey players. But there is something about hockey Henry cannot quite figure out. This book was adorable. The MJHR liked it enough to check it out twice!
Hockey in the Wild by Nicholas Oldland (Author, Illustrator)
A hockey playing beaver, in their underwear?!?!?! A bear eating kale for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!?!?! This one has it all. It makes me impatient for hockey season! Of the three hockey books we checked out, this is my favorite. But not by much
When the Moon Comes by Paul Harbridge (Author), Matt James (Illustrator)
Henry Holton has the story. Hockey in the Wild is silly, When the Moon Comes has wonderful illustrations! Oh my this book is beau..ti..ful! I had a hard time reading it to the MJHR, I wanted to look at the pictures so much. They are so pretty.
You can ask your adult to talk you to the library and see if they have any of these books! If they don’t, remember you can ask the librarian to buy them OR InterLibrary Loan them.
Penalties! Let’s blow the whistle on them!
First up is TRIPPING.
Of the penalties, this one is the most self explanatory (says it all in the name). If you trip a player on the other team with your stick, it is TRIPPING. A TRIPPING penalty will get you two minutes in the penalty box as it is a minor penalty.
Next up is SPEARING which is a major penalty that gets you a 5 minute sit in the penalty box. SPEARING is when a player uses the other stick like a spear on a player from the other team. SPEARING is DANGEROUS and you should NEVER do it.
Penalties are called on hockey players to make the game more fair and safe. It is not fair for someone to just trip all the other players and keep them from scoring. Certainly, you should not go around using your hockey stick like a spear. That is very dangerous.
Your teammates don’t like penalties either! Someone has to sit out for 2 minutes or 5 minutes in the penalty box.
That means the other team has one more player on their side than your team. Everyone has to work harder because you got called for a penalty. That’s no good!
Penalties are dangerous and you should never commit them if you can keep from it. You miss playing because you are in the penalty box, your team is down a player on the ice, AND your teammates have to play harder to make up for you being out of the game. It’s just no good!
Kids Canes Challenge Answer.
We are going to be talking about penalties for the next several articles. In this article we learned about TRIPPING which is a minor penalty. It is when you trip another player and have to sit in the penalty box for 2 minutes. SPEARING is so dangerous that they give you a 5 minute penalty in the penalty box for a major penalty. SPEARING is when you use your hockey stick like a spear to stab at another player. It is so very dangerous.