Much gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair, and wringing of hands is taking place over Sebastian Aho and Martin Necas in just five games of the first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. But the numbers are saying they are fine. In fact they are more than fine. At least the way I fold them.

Sebastian Aho has been with the Carolina Hurricanes during their five year consecutive run of the playoffs. In that time he has played (in order since 2018-19) 15,8, 11,14, and 5 games or 53 in total. His career best goal scoring year was 6 back in 11 games during the 2020-21 run. Twice during the 11 game 2020-21 playoff, Sebastian Aho netted the game winner. Points wise, his best is 12, which he has done twice. In 2018-19 he posted 12 in 15 games.
Why am I telling you this, and why should you care?
In just five games this year, Sebastian Aho has 3 goals and 3 assists. Plus he already had 1 game winner. Meaning, if Aho keeps scoring at the rate he is, and the Hurricanes keep winning, he will have career numbers in goals, points, and game winning goals.
2022-23 2020-21
Games: 5 11
Goals: 3 6
Goals If: 6.6
2022-23 2020-21
Games: 5 11
GWG: 1 2
GWG If: 2.2
2022-23 2018-19
Games: 5 15
Points: 6 12
Points If: 18
Mathematically speaking, Sebastian Aho will have a career year or better should he keep up at the rate he has played, and the Hurricanes keep winning. And I would be remiss if I did not mention Aho holding Carolina Hurricanes records in playoff goals, and PP goals.
But what of young Martin Necas? Much has been said (in just 5 game’s worth of media) about his attacking the offensive zone single handedly and giving up turnovers. Fans have gone as far as mentioning that he is hurting the team with this stratagem.
The numbers however say otherwise, at least when you compare him to the Martin Necas of the past. Thus far Necas has 1 goal and 3 assists in just 5 games. Anyone in their right minds will tell you, for play off hockey that’s not terrible.
Necas has four Stanley Cup Playoff appearances. All four are with the Carolina Hurricanes. His career best in playoff goals came in 2020-21 when he notched 2. His career best 5 assists came last season, and his best playoff points total is also 5. Necas has done this done twice in a row (2020-2022)
So let’s run the numbers to see just where Necas stands if he keeps going at the rate 2022-23 Martin Necas is currently playing.
2022-23 2020-21
Games 5 11
Goals 1 2
Goals If: 2.2
2022-23 2021-22
Games 5 14
Assist 2 5
Goals If: 5.6
2022-23 2021-22
Games 5 14
Points 3 5
Points If: 8.4
As the numbers run, Martin Necas will match or better his career playoff numbers if he keeps going at the rate he has played thus far, and the Carolina Hurricanes keep winning.

Granted, my math hinges on two variables that are beyond the control of anyone but the individual players, and the Carolina Hurricanes. Both Sebastian Aho and Martin Necas are on pace to have career years in the 2022-23 playoffs. The totals could in fact be lower, if, for example, the Carolina Hurricanes sweep a team, or only need 5 to put away an opponent. Or they could be higher if the Hurricanes need a game 7 in every series and in those games Sebastian Aho and Martin Necas have their typical playoff games.
Despite what many people have said thus far, Sebastian Aho and Martin Necas are in fact fine, and each on pace to have a career year or better in the playoffs. Would I complain if either was producing more, NO! But am I complaining about that which they have produced thus far? Not at all! And you can sit at home eating plain crackers if you want to complain about either because their numbers are in fact as good or better than ever before.