A Reaction To The Philadelphia Flyers Pride Night
By Chris Baker
I could not be more disappointed by what happened during the Philadelphia Flyers Pride Night last week. For those in the LGBTQ+ community, I hear your pain, frustration, and disappointment.
You have every right to those feelings and much, much more. I humbly stand by you in support as you voice those feelings.
Still, I cannot but feel a twinge of disappointment in a lost opportunity to transcend and move past a rather feeble attempt to make a stand.
Perhaps this is far more aspirational than what is possible in our current climate, I wish the LGBTQ+ community (and their allies) could have seized the opportunity to drown out the protestations of a single player (who I will not give the dignity of naming), and subsequent blubbering of his coach (who also will not be named) as he tried to justify their actions, with a wave of celebratory support.
Rather than seeing the one person who did not celebrate Philadelphia Flyers Pride Night, we should be looking at the many people who showed up to the party.
Furthermore we should be enjoying the gains those in the LGTBQ+ community have made in not only hockey, but in all the realms of their life. Let those who refused the invite see what they missed as we celebrate the hard work and benefits there of.
Let me start to close by saying that I am in a place to voice my opinions without much fear of retribution. My privilege is not unapparent to me as a CIS, hetero, white, male.
I know that my viewpoint at what happened during the Philadelphia Flyers Pride Night is not the same as those in the LGTBQ+ community.
My frustration at one player’s reaction to Philadelphia Flyers Pride Night comes from a place of aspiration and hope.
One day, such a singular protest with be met with a collective shrug and perhaps a few who voice sympathy for missing what will be a great celebration. Until then, those in the LTGBQ+ community and their allies should continue to voice (safely) their pride in their work to make a better world for those like themselves and ultimately all of us.