2020 has not been a kind year to anyone, let alone Carolina Hurricanes fans. So let’s take a look forward to 2021 and all the fun moments it will bring.
Is it too early to just say 2020 is over and skip the rest of the season? It works with youtube ads after the first 5-10 seconds, it should work the same way with years after the first three months filled with possible major war, continent-wide fires, and a super virus. Carolina Hurricanes fans are also without their favorite past time for almost a full month now too.
Unfortunately, there is still a full nine months of this wretched year left, and hopefully, the worst is already behind us. Luckily 2021 already looks to be full of great moments for us to look forward to when it finally comes around the corner.
Just having NHL hockey back on TV, live, and perhaps even in person, is more than enough at this point, but next year will have so much more than that, especially for us Carolina Hurricanes fans.
In fact, 2021 might be the best year in Carolina Hurricanes sports history. Right now, it’s 2006, but with just a little movie magic and the right pieces in place (which they are), 2021 might usurp that year for the top year in Carolina Hurricanes history.