The All-Star Break is a good time for reflecting upon prior expectations and setting new goals. With this in mind, how did the Carolina Hurricanes’ forwards perform during the first half of the season?
Hey Canes fans! I hope this article finds you doing well as it was certainly an eventful weekend in the sporting world. Anyway, it’s time to refocus and set our sights on the remaining 32 games of the season. What better way to get back in the swing of things than grading each of the Carolina Hurricanes’ forwards on their performance thus far?
Before we dive in, some general guidelines. I assigned grades on the basis of individual performance relative to the team’s overall performance. Each of the forwards falls into one of three categories: Above Expectation, As Expected, or Below Expectation. Basic and advanced statistics appear as necessary since I’m not directly comparing Hurricanes’ players.
Lastly, I hope I don’t need to say this, but I will anyway. The following grades are mine and not representative of Cardiac Cane as a whole.