After a tremendously successful season, the Carolina Hurricanes find themselves with decisions to make this offseason about some big names. The Hurricanes have several UFAs and RFAs, as do most teams, but few have the decisions the Canes’ have, especially after going this far in the playoffs.
Because CardiacCane has been (all will continue to do so in the future) going in depth on many of the big name soon-to-be free agents, this will mostly be a summary of the current free agent state of the team. I will do my best to evaluate the salary cap situation the Carolina Hurricanes are in, how each player will fit into that discussion, and more of the financial side of things.
I will save the merits of signing/not signing each individual player for great articles like this one about the captain, Justin Williams.
Most of the following information comes from capfriendly.com.
As of right now, the cap ceiling and floor are simply projections, but they are most likely going to just about be a cap of $83 million and a floor of $61.3 million. Right now, before any free agents are signed, the Hurricanes are currently spending $54.2 million, which is about $7 million below the floor and nearly $29 below the ceiling.
They should have no problem reaching the floor, but it is really up to them if they want to reach the ceiling. (We’ll have another article about the NHL’s free agent market soon).