Kesler surgery, a Weber arbitration, and a Versus s..."/> Kesler surgery, a Weber arbitration, and a Versus s..."/>

Tantalizing Tuesday: The Puck Bunny


A Kesler surgery, a Weber arbitration, and a Versus switch (aka NBC Sports Network) is the most tantalizing news you can find in the hockey world this week. So, I let the word “tantalizing” take me elsewhere this week. Puck Bunnies. Some gals are proud to sport the title, while other ladies will greet with a right hook should you categorized them with the stereotype.

The term may be translated a couple different ways. I turned to Twitter and asked folks, “When you hear the term Puck Bunny, what first comes to mind?” Here were a few responses…

BlueLine6 said, “Annoying girls who cause trouble. Puck bunnies are girls who make those
of us girls who know hockey look bad.”

Sgt606 humorously stated, “Hockey porn.”

Tel915 explained, “Girls that basically throw themselves at players, don’t have a clue about the sport, and dress (bad) for attention.”

Obxkerouac said, “Puck slut.”

EmilyKinsman talked about overhearing girls at a game say, “Oh my God. He is so cute. I want to cheer for him but he’s in the wrong team.”

WilsonShow claimed, “She’s a hockey ho.”

LisaMH3 said, “I think there is a difference between the two. Puck Bunnies love to fawn over the players, puck sluts sleep with all them.”

Clearly these girls do not have a fabulous reputation.

What is a female hockey fan to do? There are women that love hockey. We can respect a fine athlete and a fine man. We are still women after all. Men recently watch women’s soccer and one fine Hope Solo. Does that make them Ball Bunnies?

I act as co-commissioner of a Five Hole Fantasy League, a group of girls drafting gorgeous players. I’m the only female hockey fan at the office. I write for a hockey blog. I wear street clothes to games (It’s a superstitious thing.). I sleep in a Jeff Skinner sweater. Does that make me a Puck Bunny?

Female hockey fans share a special bond. I would never get into a car with a complete stranger (my Momma taught better), but I have made many road trips to hockey barns with completely foreign female puckheads. Any gal that respects the game is an ace in my books.

Respect of the game. There lies the difference, but what about the girls who juggle both respect and admiration?

I like to consider myself a southern hockey ambassador, so I asked myself, “If a so-called player-pursuer buys a ticket and fills a seat, should she be judged for her reasons for supporting the game?” I think it is up to the gal on how she acts at the contest. However, should she never bothers to know the statistics, or learn the rules then she should be prepared for brutal title.

Why should you care about the bunnies? Does it impact you as a fan? There is the saying, “Any publicity, is good publicity.”

Perhaps we should leave our judgment at the door…and pray the furry beauties don’t sit behind you at a game.

Share your thoughts in the comment section!